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I write, read and review, I blog frequently and love anything to do with books and writing, including editing. I am a Book Nerd and I wear that badge with pride.  http://coffee2words.wordpress.com

A cure for Insomnia

Girl With a Pearl Earring - Tracy Chevalier

Are you suffering from insomnia?


Well, try picking up this book. It should put you to sleep in 10minutes flat.

The story about the most boring people in the world, told by a girl who has the most boring thoughts and ideas in history. Even while getting groped in the alley, she thinks of the clouds! I mean really!!!

At times, I liked some of the description used, but at others it was so wrong I wanted to poke my eyes out and burn the book.

Characterisation does not seem to be something Tracy is familiar with, all of the characters (including Griet, the protagonist) were flat and boring and stock standard.

There is only one word I can use to describe this book: BORING!